Scotch-Brite PROFESSIONAL 3000CC Power Sponge, Teal, 2 4/5 x 4 1/2, 5/Pack (MMM3000CC)

Price: $19.71
  • Dual-action cleaning pad/sponge in a unique bow-tie shape for ease of handling.
  • Scouring side of the product scours 2-4 times faster, and is 6-10 times less abrasive than other conventional commerical scouring pads.
  • Durable synthetic fibers are crimped and heat set to create strong web.
  • Unique soil-removing particles for effective scrouring, cleaning, and scrubbing.
  • Particles are evenly distributed throughout the scouring pad to ensure effective, consistent scouring, and lasting performance throughout the life of the pad.

Product Description

Two cleaning tools in one – a Scotch-Brite™ Power Pad combined with a sponge. 6-10 times less abrasive than other medium/heavy-duty commercial scouring products to reduce scratching. Antimicrobial protection is locked-in to resist odors in the sponge. Sponge Type: Scrubbing; Material(s): Cellulose; Fiber; Mineral; Resin; Shape: Bow Tie; Width: 2 4/5".

Product Specs

Global Product TypeSponges-Scrub Sponge
Sponge TypeScrubbing
Material(s)Cellulose; Fiber; Mineral; Resin
ShapeBow Tie
Width2 4/5"
Height4 1/2"
Duty RatingMedium/Heavy
Pre-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Post-Consumer Recycled Content Percent0%
Total Recycled Content Percent0%
Country of OriginMX
Carton Weight6 lbs.
Carton Pack Quantity12 PK

Shipping Weight & Item Dimensions


National Chemical Laboratories
Victory Innovations